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■ If you would be interested in participating in any of our new 2025 Online Minecraft Summer Camps or Year-Round Minecraft Workshops please fill-out the brief interest form below. There's no obligation, and we will use the info to determine exactly how many camps and workshops to offer, and how advanced the content should be for each experience level.
■ Proposed 2025 Minecraft Summer Camps & Year-Round Workshops:
■ All programs will be conducted online via our private SciTechGames Minecraft Server portal and are limited to participants in the US and Canada. In summer, most camps will be held 2-3 hours, each weekday morning, or afternoon. Year-round workshops will be scheduled during weekend and evening hours.
There will be additional access to the server allowed for "Free Play" time. Parents are welcome to sit-in and learn all about the game. Strict rules of conduct will be observed by all.
■ It is important to note that this program will use what's called a "mod pack", which is a collection of game modifications of the classic online version of Minecraft. Including: Applied Energistics (AE), Thermal Expansion, Red Power, Minefactory Reloaded, Computercraft, and many others.
■ You must be at least 13 years old to submit the following form. Parents may complete the form for younger campers.
■ Minecraft Camps & Workshops Interest Form
Our New 2025 Interest Form is Coming Soon -- Check Back Later!
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Our Complete Website is Coming Soon, please check back anytime.